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Fly Tying

Your Favorite FlyTyer on YouTube

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Whilst on the treadmill or stationary bike I’ve taken to watching fly tyers on YouTube. 
My favorite at this point is Davie McPhail. I like his simplistic methods and  mannerisms. His dialog makes for easy listening and viewing.  Many  of his videos are the easy to tie classics with a seemingly British twist to them. 

Who do you like to watch, and why?

Just wondering. Feel to post links to your favorites. 


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I can't understand Davie McPhail.  He's a great tyer, though.  I like Matt Oneal, "Savage Fly" and he's got a lot of videos. Easier to understand. I like that he posts an example of the fly he's going to tie which I think is great.  I don't like the tyers who play for the reveal as they go along. .  I don't know why they do this.  Oneal has dozens of videos and he's good on the bench.  Hard worker.

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Charlie's Fly Box (Charlie Craven) . . . Top choice! 

Fly Fish Food


Hopper Juan Ramirez 

Anglers All 

Davie McPhail (tough to understand, and closed captioning yields some hilarious translations!)

Lindsay Simpson (another Scotsman who is a little difficult to understand) 


East Rosebud Fly & Tackle 

TheSlideinn (Kelly Galloup) . . . I just wish he wasn't so long-winded - needs to abbreviate. 





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Tramp, I love tying and fishing the old English and Catskill classic patterns.  If these flies caught fish a 100 years ago then they will still catch fish today.  My theory is that at this point the trout in the local heavily pressured streams have seen just about every euro nymph pattern out there.  It's not very likely they have seen an Old Master, Red Clock Spider or a Greenwell and I've caught really nice fish on all of them.

#1 Oliver Edwards is my top choice-  most of his youtube material has recently been removed because it was posted without permission.  I miss watching his tying and history lessons so much that I'm considering spending the hundred bucks to purchase his entire Essential skills DVD set.

#2 Davie McPhail, his Scottish brogue is hard for most American ears to discern but anyone with some tying experience should be able to figure out what he's doing (I'm American and I did). 

#3 Robert Smith, his post on tying soft hackle patterns using the original silks and feathers are wonderful. Every year several of my best trout come from patterns I copied from Robert using substitutions for the often now protected birds he uses.

Just my opinion but all 3 of these gentlemen produce flies that to my eye are absolute perfection.

I also subscribe to-

Peter Charles Hooked4life fly fishing, 

Barry Ord Clarke at the Featherbender, 

Tim Flager at tightlinevideo, 

Matt Oneal at Savage Flies





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too many to pick a favorite

Savage Flies

Dressed Irons

Jin Woo Lee

vk steelworks

Traditional Flies and Dries


Brent Jones Fly Tying

Rick Janzen

Robert Smith

South of North Fly Fishing

Neil’s Spanish Fly Box

Fabien Moulin


Oholi's flies

Nick Thomas

Newfoundland Fly Fisher

New England Streamers

Piotr Sołtysik

Jean Paul Dessaigne

Benoit Farcy

Ryan Houston

Steve Andrews Fly Tying

Satoshi Yamamoto

Davie McPhail

Ruben Martin Flies

Hans Weilenmann


Phil Rowley Fly Fishing


Charlie's Fly Box


Gyorfi Zsolt Borisfly


Giancarlo Donninelli

Michael Jensen

A Fly By Night Operation

Down By The River

Piscator Flies

The feather bender


Tying Michigan's Best Trout Flies


matt savage is too wired up and kelly galloup and oholi talk too much

some are good tyers and others are not

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I can't pick just one! If I could give you my personal top two it would be Davie Mcphail and Charlie Craven, and top three I would add in Hans Weilenmann. After that it's an avalanche of great tyers and videos.

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4 hours ago, flytire said:


matt savage is too wired up and kelly galloup and oholi talk too much


Agree totally with you on Galloup and Savage. 

Haven’t watched an Oholi video. 

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Who are the guys who use a beer can as a prop?  Also, some guy with s head mounted magnifier who ties up close to the vise and his magnified eyes are at eyelevel.  BIG eyes.

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I'm not really a YouTube or video fan, I much prefer a written step by step, but unfortunately those are few and far between nowadays. Before I click on a video, I always look for a step by step first.  I would say 90% of the videos I click on I will I fast forward through most of it.  

If I have to watch YouTube, I prefer Davey McPhail, probably above all others.  He's got a nice relaxed pace, very confidant and purposeful tying, he makes everything look so easy, like buttah.  I don't have much trouble with his Scottish burr if I turn up the volume.

Next would be Charlie Craven.  I like his succinct way of tying and his narrative, always has a good tip or two to impart.  Going on down the list would be Tim Flagler, also very straight forward and enjoyable, Tim Cammisa too.  I stumbled upon I like Gunnar Brammer, he's pretty creative, makes me laugh when I hear his baby in the background on a few of his videos.  But I don't tie a lot of his type of flies, so I don't watch him often.  

Oddly, I typically don't like rambling videos, but I do enjoy listening to Kelly Galloup when I have the time, which isn't often.  He's a talented tyer and I think he's funny, he's got a few good stories. 

As to Mr. 'Savage Fly' O'Neal, with all due respect to the good man, I agree with the 'wired up' assessment, I would call him almost strident.  His opening music makes me grate my teeth, and he's way too enthusiastic for me.  Even the 'Savage Fly' moniker irks me, only the 'Tactical Fly' would be worse.  Its just not my style.  Also, I think he's a bit of sloppy tyer, not that I'm any better, but I'm not making videos of my tying.   I don't mean to sound harsh, I don't begrudge his success, I'm sure his flies catch fish, as do my sloppy flies, and he's no doubt a great person, just not someone I prefer to watch.  Just my humble opinion.

I haven't even heard of a good number of those mentioned above.  

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Tough question! My top three:

1) Shawn Holsinger, Holsingers fly shop. Salt of the earth PA guy, ties flies to fish and has a rocking beard.

2) Tim Flagler, tightline videos. No nonsense 

3) The feather bender. I find him soothing. 

I concur, Kelly Galloup is way way way too wordy. Can’t watch him at all. 

question- who is Matt Savage? Matt O’Neil from Savage flies?  SELF EDIT - after reading replies posted at the same time as mine , I guess he is one and the same. 

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