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FTF Member Survey  

336 members have voted

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Hi Will,


Glad to help with the survey and VERY glad to see Ron & Vicki Eagle Elk chime in - they are really great people. Gretchen and I are proud to call them friends. I hope they spend more time here at the "Forum."


RE the survey: I tried to keep our personal fishing/tying separated from the business expenditures so we don't mess up the "bell curve" of the survey <G?!!>. Take care & ...


Tight Lines - Al Beatty


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"Destinations" (advertisements) play a very important part in the grand scheme of things as magazines go, and I hope the imbalance of go/no-go votes doesn't have an off-putting effect on potential advertisers.

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Hope this isn't too late to help. I actually think my wife spent more on my fishing stuff last year than I did counting the new rod and fly tying tool box. That was all inaddition to insisting I get a guide for one trip that turned into four.




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I'm suprised with the number of women on this board, I teach a fly tying class and most of the time the women I teach end up the better tyers. Sorry guys. We need more women in this sport.


Note to husbands, boy friends etc. don't teach them yourselves, it usually doesn't work out to well. Have someone else teach them. From experience of trying to teach my girlfriend how to cast, she just dropped the rod and walked into the house and refuses to try it again. So if you do teach them to tie or cast yourself be as patience as possible.

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YOU guys might need more ladies in this sport. I don't know why everyone is pushing for more people to get into this sport.

There are too many people on, in or around the water as it is.

If someone wants to start fishing and or fly tying, great. But I am NOT going out of my way to try to get more people crowding onto places where I like to fish ... women, men or worst yet, children.

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YOU guys might need more ladies in this sport. I don't know why everyone is pushing for more people to get into this sport.

There are too many people on, in or around the water as it is.

If someone wants to start fishing and or fly tying, great. But I am NOT going out of my way to try to get more people crowding onto places where I like to fish ... women, men or <shudder> worst yet, children.


While I don't share your irrational hatred of children, I do agree there are more people on the water than there really ought to be.... witness the increasing number of deaths every year involving kayaks. Kayak fishing is the newest COOL KIDS thing to do on the water now, and probably half the people trying to do it really have no business being out there. I struggle with the dichotomy of what is good about people being in the outdoors and the overwhelming dumbassery which is more common than not.


I also get a rise out of survey questions (I know this is an old thread, I'm talking about big-picture) which somehow think "college education" is relevant any more. From what I see, all a bachelor's degree really proves is that someone had the time to hang around somewhere for years learning how to drink and party on borrowed or granted $$. I know that is not true in ALL cases and a small number of people work hard for it. Show me someone who has graduated from advanced military technical schools. Knowledge transfer smashed into 6 months that would take 4 years in an outside school, then immediately put to use. Obviously there is massive cross-over and what I say isn't a blanket statement, but really "are you college educated?" whooopee sh*t.

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Joel... I'm not quite sure what you're saying... after my USCG hitch, I attended college for a BA and MA in biology, and as a result had a seriously wonderful career in the environmental protection field (limnology/marine). I had a whole lost of employees in my 30-plus years that were really bright and benefited well from their college training. But I kinda don't see what that question matters in this survey. As Smallie said, it's providing background info for potential marketers (I assume people who want to sell stuff to fly tyers and fishers), but I still don't see why they care how many degrees we have. Is that supposed to have some bearing on what and whether we will buy?

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He may be referring to current day bachelor degrees. And if he does, I agree to a degree. It kind of reminds me of when people used to put down a driver's license as a qualification when applying for a job. Even when it actually mattered, I am sure there were drivers and there were drivers.

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Are you College Educated? Stupid question & how would going to College make someone better at tying flies

It doesn't but it will effect how a company might advertise. It's all about forming demographics of the audience for marketing purposes I'm sure.


Here is a rough example: just about anyone who went to college in the college district of Boston Ma. circa 1960's perhaps to date, would know about penny loafer shoes and no sox ( pun intended), a light fabric button up shirt, maybe chino shorts . Now that has nothing to do with fly fishing but it has everything to do with a mind set because the mind set doesn't end with the clothing. Compare that with the work a day guy with a high school degree who maybe finds a certain irritation even in that dress code and life style and you wouldn't want to advertise the wrong way. Do understand that the ones taking surveys like this are probably college educated and all about graphs and charts and surveys. The higher up the education ladder the more sophisticated the graphs and charts and surveys, it's their life. Oh it looks simple on the web page here at the forum but believe me that survey is part of a spread sheet probably 8 pages deep or more. Then a company would take those compiled stats and hand that to their own marketing people who will generate another 30 pages. And results of all that will show up for instance, in next years Bass Pro ads ( again just as a for instance). A large company might spend $.7 million on marketing for next year and this is one tiny piece of the puzzle, so they can best suck bucks out of maybe you or me or better yet all of us ( oops excuse me, earn their living) !. Again, for instance.


Now of course they can't appeal to everyone at once and that will all be part of those stats too.

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At my work place our foreman, less then 30, came straight from university, has taken only a few years to screw everything up to s#!t! He stepped straight into a job the inteligent engineer before him had built to a point were it worked & people were almost happy! Young + facebook + instagram + twitter + not caring = it's all going up the S#!t! Sad but true! Sometimes idiots get to play with peoples lives!

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Dave, I'm not too worried what the marketers will do with the info... they can advertise all they want, or they can put it you-know-where, but I don't have to buy their stuff. If only they'd stop popping up their ads on my laptop. I can search a single store's site once for ... example: a pair of shoes. For the next several days following, every page I open is filled with shoe ads, even emails to me advertising shoes. I'd like to tell them all that the best way to ensure that I WILL NEVER buy stuff from any one of them that keeps invading my computer use.

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