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Fly Tying


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About BHouk

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  • Birthday 02/03/1952

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    Speedway, IN

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  1. I actually had the best season last year with the Grey Goose nymph. I pulled in several good LMB and some sunfish. I was surprised at how well it work with the bass.
  2. I hear cicadas 24/7. Occasionally it changes to something else, but usually those d**n cicadas. Ear infections, rock and roll and gunfire lead to hearing loss and tinnitus in my case. Tried the hearing aids and it didn't work (twice). Only thing I hear in my right ear now is the cicadas. I empathize with you greatly. Take care.
  3. I can't take credit and I can't remember for sure who recommended it. I think it was either Oliver Edwards or Barry Ord Clarke. Seems to work very well in keeping peacock herl, chenille and other stuff close together as you wrap forward...
  4. Try when you tie in your pheasant tail to leave the thread at the back of the hook. Then, as you wrap forward the thread will help hold the fibers in place. The thread will be in the right place when you are ready to tie it off.
  5. Hemingway beat you to it. It's called The Old Man and the Sea. Spencer Tracy starred in the best cinematic version...
  6. OK, I'll get chopped for this but if you are just starting out try the J Stockard Junior Vise. It's not a rotary. It doesn't have a bobbin cradle. It doesn't have a material clip. It doesn't have much of anything. But, it only costs $5.95. Yes the decimal point is in the right place. Try it. J. Stockard Junior Vise | J. Stockard Fly Fishing (jsflyfishing.com) And then take your time picking out your life time vise.
  7. I'm always looking for less expensive alternatives for fly tying material. While browsing the yarn aisle at a big box craft store I found a new (to me) alternative to chenille. It is called Yarn Bee Scrub-ology. It feels like a dish scrubber. But, more importantly, seems to have a shine or iridescence to it. Tied loose it is like a chenille. Pulled tight it should be a good alternative for bodies (on large flies). It works kind of tough since it is springy. I think it will float like a boat so add a lot of weight to a bugger for example. Wooly Bugger is tied on a #4 hook.
  8. Welcome Judson. You live in one of the great historic fly fishing areas; Au Sable, Per Marquette, Manistee, Rifle (that may surprise some) rivers are near by. There is a huge tradition of Michigan flies. Check out the late Tom Deschaine's web site for information on Michigan Dry Flies.
  9. Jumped static line from jets, props and helicopters in the army. Couldn't afford sky diving when I got out and only a few did halo back then. Recommend it to anyone who can try. As a guy who survived a double malfunction on our third jump at Ft. Benning said... "what a trip"!
  10. Take a look at Jann's Netcraft in Maumee, OH. I have dealt with them and they are pretty good. They have a retail store and their people are always helpful. Jann's Netcraft Rod Blanks - IM6 graphite fishing rod blanks
  11. The Orvis Fly-Tying Guide by Tom Rosenbaur was revised and re-released in 2020. It would be a good choice for a first and only book. Pricy at $39.95. Of course, collecting fly tying books is as addictive as tying flies...
  12. We go every fall to the Jasper-Pulaski FWA in northern Indiana. We have seen thousands of these as they congregate for their fall migration DNR: Sandhill Cranes Fall Migration (in.gov) Once you have seen them and heard them you will never forget them. Twenty years ago we would see 15,000+ in late October. Now the count is down to 5,000 or so in early December. This is because they have found other places to congregate not because the population count has fallen. They are a conservation success story here. I understand they hunt them along the Mississippi flyway and are called the "tenderloin of the sky". Not sure I could eat one... Beautiful birds.
  13. I bought a gross of plastic snuff cups with lids about ten years ago. Still going strong. I grab the cups I think I might need for each trip...
  14. Direct from Rinzetti for $49.99 Bobbin Cradle – RD Fly Fishing Like Capt Bob said, they may or may not fit other manufacturers. I use a R vise but, have nothing to do with the company.
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