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Fly Tying


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About Bill_729

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  1. I can identify with that. I spent most of a week getting my fishing gear in order for a trip recently, and then realized the night before leaving that I hadn't spent any time packing anything else. I thought it was funny too! ๐Ÿ˜€
  2. Hollywood I get. Please explain to me how the institutions of higher learning are involved.
  3. Where I grew up, 4-letter words were pretty much off limits. Where along the line did having a potty-mouth become to be an accepted vernacular (by some)? Is is part of the sexual revolution that women want to be seen as tougher (that's one idea I have), or is it something else? Even "fricken" offends me because I feel as though it is a cheap substitute for a word I was taught was vulgar. I'll bet if fish could talk they might have a few words for you as you reel them up! ; )
  4. Congratulations Mike. Two or three more braces would probably take care of at least 95% of whatever "wobble" you have. One think I learned, Mine sits nicely on a "perfectly flat" portion of the garage floor, but if I move it to a different place, then not so much (the concrete isn't level!). Thus, shimming will take care of a certain sort of wobble (but not the sort I think we are talking about). Pretty fancy joinery! Bill
  5. It is a copy of a well-known machinists tool box (made by Gerstner& Sons). It's got to be reasonably heavily built to handle that job. Genuine ones go for "big bucks" (like $300-400, I think--but I'm probably under estimating). I guess it's not so bad based on the "crazy money" some mechanics spend for their tool chests and Snap On tools... When I was a kid, my dad assured me that "Craftsman" was the brand you wanted to have. A lot has changed, but I still tend to think that way. : )
  6. It's kind of you to admire it. I picked it up at an auction for "decor"! When a limb fell down in the yard, I tried to get my wife to "test it out" with me, but she wouldn't take either end... It might have been one of those "unforgettable moments"! ; ) I guess some people just don't recognize an opportunity when they come face to face with one! ๐Ÿ˜€
  7. "The Workbench Book", by Scott Landis, is a pretty good read. I just noticed that the review I wrote for the book at Amazon.com is listed as one of its "top reviews from the United States". ๐Ÿ˜€ But the price of the book seems to have sky-rocketed. I have/had plans to build a "traditional style" workbench besides the one I showed, but somehow I got sidetracked. I need to perhaps either get a house with a basement or move somewhere "where the weather suits my clothes" more months out of the year... You seem to have that part licked! Congrats on your new shop! Bill
  8. Mike, I didn't read the whole thread, but I saw "workbench". I built this one in a day. It is exactly 40" high. I put some thought into this dimension, and am quite happy with it (maybe because the one I grew up with was about the same height). it is absolutely *rock solid* (note the support and count how many 2 3/4" stainless screws you can see that I used, and you'll see it's alot--afterthought-- I probably used 3 1/2" screws). Note that there is a couple of inches around the top for clamping. I have a vise on a board, and clamp it on when I want it there (in fact most of the time I leave it there), and I like having a choice. It's convenient to store "stuff" underneath. The price of materials can be reduced by using a pair of 2-by-4s in place of the 4-by-4s (but YOLO!). The top consists of 2-by-8 "southern yellow pine" (a pretty good choice for this application, I think). I was choosy and picked carefully from what was available at the store. Maybe borrow a 4-foot steel rule from another department to assist you. One last comment. The assembly of this "really sold me" on the value of an "impact driver" (I was stripping most of the screws before I tried an impact driver--and the impact driver made that part easy). One other thing that greatly simplified things was using pipe clamps to clamp everything in place before assembly (as I had to do it by myself--I remember feeling a bit frustrated before I got out the clamps!). I connected two 4-foot pipes together (everyone should own at least 4, as you'll use them again! : ) I think I used glue too, but I'm not sure it's absolutely necessary... I know someone else who has a much shorter version for assembling cabinets. Thus, it's a versatile design. I hope that this may be helpful to you (or someone else!). Bill
  9. I typed in "fly tying vise" in ebay and had the gut feeling that you couldn't go wrong with any of them. Think "rotating" if you want to be 21st century. : ) My Thompson Model B serves me find for the time being. Keep in mind that the principle purpose of the vise, as far as actual tying goes, is simply to hold the hook! : ) Good luck to the OP!
  10. Bill_729

    Cabin build

    Man, you need some friends, to help! : ) Keep up the good work!
  11. Bill_729

    Cabin build

    If you make it too cozy, you may find wildlife taking refuge in it. That could provide a surprise for you both! : )
  12. Bill_729

    Cabin build

    It reminds me a little of of a deer blind I used a long time ago, except my blind was round. Have you "thought out" the roof? Why don't you want to use a chainsaw? Bill
  13. Copied from the website: ** Pre-order Special ** - Printing and shipment from overseas was delayed due to Covid - we're hoping to have them before the end of the year. It sounds like they have not forgotten about you! Bill
  14. Bill_729

    Cabin build

    Look like fun! I'm glad I'm not paying you by the hour (I often say that about my own work). It's hard to tell the dimensions from the photo. I don't know if it will be relevant, but remember that "green wood shrinks". I trust that you have a chainsaw. Bill P.S. Remember that the pyramids were built by people with decreasing goals! : )
  15. Try a 2-D (rather than a 3-D) diagram. Sketch the hook to the correct proportions, and then "decorate" it, and assess. Then do it again, if desired. To my mind, it would be impossible to get the proportions better on a real hook then you are able to get them in your diagram (YMMpossiblyV). One things I left out of my last post. When you look at your hook in the vise, take a moment visualize the key "division lines" along the hook shank, just like in your diagram, before and during your tying. Surely you are already on the road to success! Have fun! Bill
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