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Fly Tying


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Everything posted by mikechell

  1. I think Utyer makes trips in his kayak up to "Lerp" ... maybe MY best friend bought that ticket !!! 18 million dollar sculpture is supposed to say "Jax". Everyone says it look like "Lerp". Maybe the winner will pay for a better sculpture.
  2. mikechell


    Looks like a Smallmouth Bass. Impressive clip. Congrats to those who got that on video!
  3. Um ... no. Bought mine here in Deltona. Jacksonville ... guess I should've driven up there to buy my ticket. Just an FYI. If I ever DO win the lotto ... Wife just said, "You have NO friends except ME!"
  4. And that's why people pay $25.00 or more for a single swim bait. Big bait, big fish. I once caught a 3 or 4 pound bass and while I was removing my lure, noticed the tail of an 8 or 10 inch bass sticking out of it's throat. It hadn't completely swallowed it's previous meal and went after my Sticko.
  5. Yep ... they say vision is the second thing to go as you get older. I don't remember what they said went first. Hmmmmm.
  6. Convenient ... having three hands like that !!!
  7. Welcome to the site, 358. To many of the tiers here, fly tying is not something you do while also watching TV. It's an engrossing hobby that takes most of your attention to the details. I'm like that to a small degree. Distractions are not welcome. That said, I've seen a lot of members speaking of having a computer showing fly fishing or tying videos while they're tying. I don't even have music on, usually. I think the main reasons people don't tie in the living room while watching TV are the amount of "stuff" that ends up on the desk top and the mess of trimmings and cut offs. Pretty hard to keep track of all that on a TV tray or other small table. It's done by some, for sure, but I don't think many do it. I rarely tie "just for fun". I tie what I need for my fishing. In that vein, I sit down with all my attention on the "task" at hand. No distractions, just fly tying until I have enough of the pattern(s) I'm needing. Good luck on your journey into this hobby/addiction.
  8. Although your odds of winning are astronomically against it ... you have an absolute zero chance if you don't play at all. I've got one number I've played for 20 years. Won $900.00 once and $450.00 once. Still hoping for the "retirement plan" amount to fall into my hands!
  9. Is that green and blue one headed for a house in Florida?
  10. Already working on it, Silver. This thread isn't about mine being too high ... it's about DWSmith's being lowered and if he'll adapt to that or keep having dizziness, etc. issues.
  11. If the cork is in good shape, perhaps you can just sand it down to the shape you want. On the other hand, if it's a gift, why change it. You might find you like that shape in your hands for that rod.
  12. My BP is doing just the opposite. For most of my life, my resting heart rate has been around 60 BPM. It still is, give or take a few. It's always taken a bit of work to get it to "target" rates higher than 100. Today, I went to the facility and completed my nuclear stress tests. Resting heart rate, 57 to 62. BP, 146/80. After the resting nuclear pictures, I went to the treadmill. After two raises in angle and speed, they had to get me up to jogging speed before I could get my heart rate over 133. BP, highest was 186/89. Technician said I looked a little flush in the face, but I don't feel any differences with the high blood pressure. I only bring all this up because I don't know it there's any such thing as "adapting" to lower blood pressure. You shouldn't be able to tell unless the pressure is dropping dangerously low or getting dangerously high. If your experiencing dizzy spells and other reactions, I'd suspect problems, not just failure to adapt. But ... all that written, I am no doctor. I'm relating what I am experiencing. I get Vasovagal Syncope when my pressure drops rapidly. Otherwise, consistent high or low pressures don't seem to be noticeable.
  13. Full "Red Green" shows are on YouTube. I LOVE that show !!!
  14. Very nice snail patterns. I tied some the last time you posted your attempts. We have Redears here, but nothing as big as Havasu. I haven't had any hits on mine yet. I know it's several month or half a year or so, but I hope you get the time and get lots of great memories from your next trip to that lake.
  15. You must've seen my inner me in your dream. Wife says she's still waiting for be to reach mental teens.
  16. Quadruple bypass 4 years ago. Vasovagal syncope is a dizzy/fainting event during a sudden drop in blood pressure. I rarely get them now, but I went down a few times right after the operation. My latest event, about a month or so ago, was brought on by heat and dehydration while working outside. It's not just a BP thing, but what causes the drop and how rapidly it drops. It's VERY important, especially after heart/cardio meds or events, that you drink more than you think you need. Definitely discuss it with your doctor(s).
  17. Not too bright, though. I like that ... turquoise? ... almost as much as blue.
  18. mikechell

    138 Lobsters

    Just another reason why Wife and I say "We hate people".
  19. Thank you! We were careful, and didn't set the house on fire. We did get several calls from neighbors asking if the heat and light coming from our house was a nuclear accident in progress. One guy, next door is saying he wants our insurance information, due to the paint blistered and melted off the side of his car that faces our house. Local bird watchers were gathering in our area, too. They'd never seen so many vultures circling one area before. I've been asked what my first pet was. When I jokingly say it was a Saber Tooth, they don't even doubt me. What did I do on my birthday? I painted doors. It's the final step on our house update/upgrade. I took all the doors off when we had the walls cleaned and painted. Due to the travel for work, I've not had the chance to paint them and get them back up. Got four of them done today. Only another 6 regular doors and two folding doors to go. Oh, and Wife made an Apple Crisp with double the crisp ... just for me !!!
  20. That looks good, Steve. But it's another one of those subscription services that we don't have. We dropped them a few years back.
  21. Any fish I see and lose, I don't lie about and estimate its weight as closely as I can. Any fish I don't see and lose was a gar. Pure and simple, I lost a big gar.
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