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Fly Tying


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About dogfacedoc

  • Rank
    Advanced Member
  • Birthday 08/18/1982

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  • Favorite Species
    Redfish, Seatrout
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  • Location
    Oklahoma City

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  1. Orvis podcast with Tom Rosenbauer is the only fly fishing podcast I listen to. I listened to a couple of of others but never developed any serious interest. Podcasts are like buttholes, everybody has one now.
  2. Each time the weather picks up and I see Cheyenne on the local coverage I hope you're doing alright, Nick. The deal with living in tornado areas is keeping an eye on the radar through TV news or radar app, having a go-bag ready and a shelter accessible. We go to the in-laws 1/4 mile away. A few years ago we were driving home from Chickasha and about drove into a tornado because the NBC, ABC, CBS affiliates were all about to orgasm over calling the first tornado of the year, throwing out all sorts of jargon rather than "the tornado is here, headed this direction". All of the sudden the rain stopped, and the grass laid sideways and debris started blowing across the highway in front of us. I slammed on the brakes and did a u turn, wife flipping through the radio stations for some better sense of what was going on. Found the local FOX station and the meteorologist was calm as a Hindu cow, clear and concise. That's who I pay attention to now. Sorry David Payne, I don't need a meteorology lecture when a threat is imminent.
  3. Of all the ways to go, a ruptured aortic aneurysm is probably one of the best. Beats withering away with cancer or alzheimers.
  4. Hope you don't have the kind that cause alpha-gal syndrome. My father in law and sister in law both have it now thanks to tick bites.
  5. dogfacedoc

    The Drake

    Turns out I was an issue too early! Spring 2023 issue. The story of an army buddy and me getting into chasing redfish and my attempt to redeem ourselves for never catching one on the fly.
  6. My pre-safety marlin 336 for night shooting deer on depredation tags. Was my uncle's ubtil about 10 years ago when he got rid of all his firearms.
  7. dogfacedoc

    The Drake

    Wrote a piece about my fishing trip in Charleston last August and submitted it to The Drake. They picked it up for the Redspread section and it is I believe in the winter(current) issue. The pics here are of "Dave's Red"
  8. Saw it whip through Cheyenne and thought of you. We made it through unscathed as well.
  9. https://youtu.be/jnEDxY1nyQo
  10. dogfacedoc

    What’s cooking

    My kids will associate the fall and Christmas with the smell of jerky in the dehydrator. 1 cup soy sauce 1/4 cup orange juice Zest of 1 orange 1-1/2 tablespoons honey 3 cloves garlic, finely minced 2 shallots, finely minced 1 jalapeno, finely minced 1 tbsp. brown sugar 1 tbsp. freshly ground black pep­per 1 tbsp. red pepper flakes 1 tbsp. ground ginger 1 tsp. onion powder 1 tsp. cumin 1 tsp. cayenne 1/2 tsp. ground cloves 2 pounds venison
  11. dogfacedoc

    What’s cooking

    To me it is roasting peppers in the fall, thanks to my parents' time in NM.
  12. dogfacedoc

    What’s cooking

    Last thing I cooked was some pozole.
  13. I'm in, panfish set. I've not tied a fly in over 6 months, will be nice to get back to it.
  14. First red on fly last week in Charleston
  15. Wow he played trumpet and flew to the moon!
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