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Fly Tying


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About J-Kno

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    Advanced Member

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  • Favorite Species
    brook trout
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  1. LOVE that green blank!!! Incredible craftsmanship, as always.... The neon isn't my style, but well executed! I need to quit clicking on this forum... I don't need another Midwest Custom Flyrod, but it surely want one!!!
  2. Classy beaut right there!!! Love the look of the blank with those colors too! Outstand job, as usual. I do not need another rod, but this does lead me to want another rod from you, Steve!
  3. If you don't get them by then, I would suggest you keep the extra bugs for yourself and send out the rest. We all appreciate you SMing this exchange!
  4. I've tied at the Denver show, West Denver TU, St. Vrain TU and I would love to plan on tying at this event next year. What is the selection process?
  5. Welcome fellow Coloradoan! I'm way up north, Ft. Collins area. More lakes than streams as I've had kids with me... looking for more streaks & creeks.
  6. Would love to join with a "Gut Sack" sow bug!
  7. 😎 Damn, baller! Bringin' the bling! 😎
  8. Very classy look to that one, Bjorn should be well pleased!
  9. Really like the blank on that one!
  10. I've seen a Law vise, but never tied on one...
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