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Fly Tying

Mark Knapp

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Everything posted by Mark Knapp

  1. I have had lots of problems with bugs. It's from my horn, antler and ivory business. I will have bugs in my feathers and fur if I don't use moth balls. There are no bugs in my feather room because I use moth balls in there. I spend a lot of time in my feather room tying flies, two or three hours a day. As near as I can tell, I haven't had any health problems from the moth balls. I'm sure some people will be more sensitive to it, but I haven't. To answer your question specifically. I catch a lot of fish with flies and jigs that have been tied with feathers and fur where moth use is heavy. I'm talking 80 to a hundred fish a day sometimes. Those are my experiences. Ask a hundred different people, you will get a hundred different answers.
  2. Thank you all very much for all the information. There seems to be quite a bit out there. Thanks for the comparison Knotjoe. I too like the limp ones better. I suppose I will have to order some of these if I can find nobody wanting to trade. I was trying not to have to pay as much for shipping as the worms themselves cost. Also, I really don't need as much as what's in one of these packages. I really just need four strands of the stuff. Anyway, thank you everybody, You are all so helpful.
  3. I am in need of some brown or light brown squirmy wormies for a project. I need just a few. My local store doesn't have any. I'm willing to trade almost anything else fly-tying related. I especially have a lot of caribou, moose, deer, elk, buffalo, musk ox, red fox and raccoon hair.
  4. Mark Knapp


    Now I'm starting to get a hankering for some. I must resist though. The last time I had real sugar was Valentines day and the next time I'm "allowed" any is my Birthday, May 2nd. On May 2nd I get one Ferrero Rocher from the freezer. They're my favorite.
  5. I have many of those old vises (including the two you mentioned) but I haven't used any of them since I got my HMH TRV. Not that I wouldn't, I like the old vises, I just haven't yet.
  6. We haven't had anyone walk into our store in a week. My wife is getting nervous. While much of our stuff is in the non-essential catagory, some of what we do is essential to plumbers, electricians and builders. We sharpen industrial equipment for those folks. If we can't pay some of our bills, our vendors are just going to have to understand that.
  7. Hook- size 4 jig hook. Use the size appropriate for the cluster you want to tie. Thread- any thicker thread that won't cut through the wormy easily. Match the color of your wormy. Weight- .020 lead or lead free wire. Body- Squirmy wormies to match the color of roe you want to imitate. Milt- white marabou, optional Wrap thread from bend to bend on the jig hook and finish under the barb of the hook. Wrap the shank with lead or lead free wire. Adjust the weight according to the depth and speed of the water you want to fish. Tie down the wire and coat with CA glue for durability. Starting under the barb, loosely tie down one wormie about 1/4 inch from the end with one loop. Snip off the wormie, 1/4 inch from the tie down and tie it down again, next to the previous piece1/4 inch from the end. Continue around the shank and along the shank of the hook to fill it as completely as possible..... all the way to the bend under the eye. After snipping off all the "wild" worms to a more uniform level, work the thread back to the middle of the shank and form a dubbing loop with white marabou or tie in a white marabou feather. Spin the dubbing loop and wrap the marabou. Your finished fly should look something like this. I tried melting the ends of the wormies to round them over but I had bad results. Here's an alternate method that tied up a little quicker for me. It uses a straight hook and no wire for weight. Tie four or five wormies around the hook shank, by one end, close to the bend. While holding the wormies parallel along the shank, loosely wrap the thread in wide wraps around the worms to the eye of the hook. Grasp the worms and slide them toward the bend of the hook bunching them up to bend end of the hook. Anchor them there with some wraps around the shank. Repeat the process with the remaining ends of the worms and finish with marabou.
  8. Skyomish Sunrises for the steelhead swap.
  9. The Skyomish Sunrises are ready to go. Just got to put the tags on them. Mr. Darrell, would you please PM me your address. Thank you.
  10. Mark Knapp


    You like peeps too? You're the only other person I know of that likes peeps. I especially like the chocolate covered ones. Enjoy them my friend, I'm not supposed to eat them anymore. Do you know if they shut down for good or just because of this stupid virus? I can Google it.
  11. Oops, I forgot to put tags on mine. Sorry about that.
  12. Mark Knapp


    Only one more month, if everything goes well.
  13. You sure do know how to catch little fish good😋😋🤪. I'm teasing, of course. Any fishing's good fishing. Perhaps bunny tied on would work as good but last longer. The bass in that pond have some pretty colors.
  14. Don't let the lack of fly boxes slow you down. Those sure are some nice looking quills.
  15. Hey, I thought you were fishing.
  16. I wouldn't want to shoot him anyway, he's too cuddly. And, he doesn't look like he tastes too good, sorry squatch buddy.
  17. Mark Knapp


    We are starting a lock down today.
  18. There's no open season on squatches. They're protected. We only hunt when a given population is in danger of overwhelming the carrying capacity of their habitat.😀Tell him not to worry.
  19. Mark Knapp


    Good luck fishing!
  20. The first of the Skyomish Sunrises for the swap.
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