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Fly Tying


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Everything posted by flytire

  1. here is a photo i found on the web dont know how they get attached. epoxy?
  2. to cure the uv resin like bug bond, clear cure goo or diamond hard. these resins are a good substitute/replacement for epoxy
  3. i dont see how a drop or two of head cement or even crazy glue is going to keep the wing spread apart as you tightly wrap the hackle around them
  4. a simple search on ebay found a bunch of lights http://www.ebay.com/sch/i.html?_sacat=0&_kw=uv+flash+light the ultrafire is one of the better ones. cures ccg, bb and diamond hard http://www.ebay.com/itm/Ultrafire-WF-502B-1W-UV-LED-Flashlight-Torch-with-Clip-/110838454081?pt=US_Flashlights&hash=item19ce7c9741
  5. JohnP recent? nah that was taken 30 yeas ago stored materials
  6. i don't believe you can sell items in this or any other forum category except the "trading floor" http://www.flytyingforum.com/index.php?showforum=17 trading floor rules and guidelines http://www.flytyingforum.com/index.php?showtopic=7198
  7. I have no alegiance to natural or synthetic materials nor do I hold a grudge with tyers who solely use one material and not the other
  8. just change the photo for your avatar. i still believe it takes a day or so to see the new one. it is also said to use the f5 button on your keyboard to get a refresh. maybe this is another part of the forum that's falling apart and no longer getting attention like it should. same goes for searching by anything in the fly pattern database
  9. nice looking fly maybe its my computer monitor or your lighting but isnt a gray squirrel gray?
  10. beware of the drama king on that one
  11. do a google search like utyer suggests but beware!! some forums are run very strick (if you think for yourself and not as the collective would, you will get banned) and some moderators (not here!) are just plain idiots. thats my opinion! i currently participate in 8 forums and i'm sure theres 100's of other forums out there
  12. looks like a rhea or emu feather to me https://www.google.com/search?q=emu+feathers&hl=en&rlz=1G1TSNACENUS400&prmd=imvns&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&sa=X&ei=zYhYT8jCOKfI0AGJ18icDw&ved=0CJIBELAE&biw=1366&bih=477
  13. Garlic keeps the vampires out of your tying materials
  14. seems like you answered your own question. been doing the same thing for many many years with absolutely no bugs. cloves, the spice
  15. hold your "ctrl" button down and use the scroll wheel on your mouse to readjust the font size to what you want i doubt the website has anything to do with changing font size
  16. looks pretty darn good i like it the way its tied bot others will say it tied too heavy and that clousers should be sparsely tied. its just a matter of tyers preference. keep tying them the way you like!
  17. i agree. more info the better we can help 1. you can remove the tip of the feather as shown in steps 12-24 in the link below http://www.charliesflyboxinc.com/flybox/details.cfm?parentID=17 2. a wrap or 2 of a hackle/soft hackle will represent legs 3. picked out dubbing will also work for legs 4. hackle fibers tied on the underside of the hook (as a throat) will work for legs
  18. flytire


    here is some nymph dubbing i'll recommend http://www.singlebarbed.biz/NYMPH-DUBBING_c4.htm
  19. My answer would not be a fly pattern but it would be a tying technique. Learn thread control. Break your thread to get a sense of breaking strength. Thread wraps are the foundation of fly tying. otherwise here is a good place to start http://cpsflyfishingandflytying.blogspot.com/2011/10/videos-for-my-tying-classes.html
  20. i have tried the copic markers, followed by a brushed on coat of clear acrylic paint sealer, then a coating of uv resin and an overcoat of sallys. i'm not convinced its the best system for painting poppers (some may have better results than i did). i'm not sure if copic markers are water based, (i dont think so) but being water based might make a better marker for this type of application
  21. i'll bet that none of the current uv resins were formulated/designed for the fly tying market. these uv resins existed long before someone figured out they could be used for fly tying. they most likely come from the electronics, dental and finger nail industries/markets. i currently use bb and diamond hard resins
  22. I've only shown a few boxes. theres probably 10 more just like them i just hate searching through cluttered and disorganized boxes
  23. the fly i posted WAS ON A PAST COVER. never said it was from 2012 catalog. pretty simple if you ask me
  24. youre looking at the wrong cover AND the wrong fly
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