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Fly Tying

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I started tying last month for the first time ever. There's a great many red flags that have been raised since that fateful day, but I'm just going to fast-forward to right now, today.

I've spent the better part of today (at work) deviously making shrimp/crab eyes, simply because I can get away with it without people noticing, unlike busting out the vise to spin a deer head.  A couple of subsequent thoughts loosely associated with today's activity:

  • I'm looking over my shoulder like I'm about to get caught, as if I were passing notes in grade school. 
  • My daily waking thought is now, "how can I tie at least one fly today?", despite a daily schedule full of responsibilities (notably two toddlers children, a dog, a cat, *work*, a house closing, an upcoming move, a job search when said move happens, and...oh yeah, a wife that's 39 weeks pregnant).
  • It's possible that my otherwise noteworthy moral compass has disappeared entirely.

This is all pretty confusing to me. I guess I'm just looking for someone to tell me it'll all be ok, I'm on the right path, and supporting any number of fly shops with weekly orders is really about stimulating the economy, proof positive that my moral compass is exactly as it should be.

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There are no 12 step programs available for fly tyers.  Welcome to the addiction.  Welcome to the site

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that darn "work" bs has been getting in the way of my fly tying and all sorts of other important things for the last 30-some years.


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So...what is your question? "And this too shall come to pass." Keep tying. Good therapy.

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19 hours ago, Maction17 said:

I started tying last month for the first time ever. There's a great many red flags that have been raised since that fateful day, but I'm just going to fast-forward to right now, today.

I've spent the better part of today (at work) deviously making shrimp/crab eyes, simply because I can get away with it without people noticing, unlike busting out the vise to spin a deer head.  A couple of subsequent thoughts loosely associated with today's activity:

  • I'm looking over my shoulder like I'm about to get caught, as if I were passing notes in grade school. 
  • My daily waking thought is now, "how can I tie at least one fly today?", despite a daily schedule full of responsibilities (notably two toddlers children, a dog, a cat, *work*, a house closing, an upcoming move, a job search when said move happens, and...oh yeah, a wife that's 39 weeks pregnant).
  • It's possible that my otherwise noteworthy moral compass has disappeared entirely.

This is all pretty confusing to me. I guess I'm just looking for someone to tell me it'll all be ok, I'm on the right path, and supporting any number of fly shops with weekly orders is really about stimulating the economy, proof positive that my moral compass is exactly as it should be.


  Let me share some of my random thoughts from this past year with you-


 Why is it always necessary that I work late whenever the May fly's are hatching but In the winter I'm done everyday at 3:30.  Just in time for nightfall, Yay...

 I wonder how many Saturdays I have watched slip past me while being stuck at some 2 year old's birthday party that my wife forced me to attend because she didn't want to be bored alone?  Do 2 year olds even really have friends?  For what we paid for that gift I could have had some grizzly hackle. Another 4 hours I'll never have back and they don't even have beer at these things.

 Don't they know today is perfect fishing weather, why didn't these people have their stupid wedding at night?

 Whoever thought up the "Jack and Jill" shower needs to be punched in mouth.  It will probably rain but least I can fish during next week's baby shower.

What do you mean that because of covid it's a "drive through" shower and will only take 20 minutes?  I was going fishing!

Why is the funeral is on Saturday? How long do we have to be there?

 But I'm half way to the river and she picks now to go into labor?

 I can't believe she said "WE would love to be at your Super Bowl party",  I was going to tie flies-but at least there's beer at these things.

They cancelled the Fly Fishing Show because the facility is being used for Covid testing?   What's wrong with using the #@$% High School?  I need materials.

Relax Maction, you're among friends- 


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oh my! to be in such dire straights after one month of tying flies



it does get better after 40 years of tying


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Well, these responses are just delightful. Indeed, I'm not alone.


I should mention the best part-- As of 1/1/21, the Commonwealth revamped what parental leave looks like for child birth, which means I get 12 weeks of full pay when kid #3 arrives (any day now). Just think of all the flies I can tie...

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DFoster, I couldna put it better myself.

Maction, I feel your pain.  I've been in a state of obsession for the last 1.5-2 yrs since resuming tying after a 30-yr hiatus.  My mother-in-law asked my wife, "why is he so interested in those bugs?"  

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Pro tip: when you are forced away from your tying desk, continue to look around for materials, no matter where you are. It keeps you calm during social events. The other day I tied a worm fly with the elastic from a discarded mask, which I thought of during a budget meeting.

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16 minutes ago, Bimini15 said:

Pro tip: when you are forced away from your tying desk, continue to look around for materials, no matter where you are. It keeps you calm during social events. The other day I tied a worm fly with the elastic from a discarded mask, which I thought of during a budget meeting.

And I work at a school. Crafty stuff is everywhere. 

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42 minutes ago, Maction17 said:

And I work at a school. Crafty stuff is everywhere. 


1 hour ago, Bimini15 said:

Pro tip: when you are forced away from your tying desk, continue to look around for materials, no matter where you are. It keeps you calm during social events. The other day I tied a worm fly with the elastic from a discarded mask, which I thought of during a budget meeting.

Pro tip 2: I know a guy, we'll call him um "Joe", who brings his damaged/beat up flies 6 or 8 at a time to work.  Joe keeps a cuticle cutter and razor blade in his desk and when his work load permits he cuts them down to salvage the hook and or bead.  Why spend valuable desk tying time cutting down flies?


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