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Fly Tying

Bud Guidry

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About Bud Guidry

  • Rank
    Ragin Cajun
  • Birthday 05/09/1958

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  • Location
    south louisiana

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  1. Sweet flies, those reds love gold flutter spoons down here, crab always a winner too for reds
  2. a fly that was on display at the west Virginia museum of arts and science for a year sent back recently after exhibit closed
  3. stuff your trout inside a nice big wild duck, cook duck unitil tender. remove trout from duck belly cavity, feed trout to dog, enjoy duck ok guys, let me have it
  4. haven't been on this side of the world in awhile, wanted to let you guys know we're having a tying contest, started a couple months back but deadlines till 15th of next month . we're handing out medals for 1st, 2nd and 3rd place winners. mike townend said he would had out materials also for winners and a nice fly rod was also donated for prizes. if interested in participating you can go to the classics page for details thanks, Bud
  5. haven't been on this side of the world in awhile, wanted to let you guys know we're having a tying contest, started a couple months back but deadlines till 15th of next month . we're handing out medals for 1st, 2nd and 3rd place winners. mike townend said he would had out materials also for winners and a nice fly rod was also donated for prizes. if interested in participating you can go to the classics page for details thanks, Bud
  6. i hunt and trap alot, recently posted a pic of a beautiful red fox i trapped last season in the classic fly tying forum, some guy took offense and mentioned he had no use for a forum that incourage trapping of animals, i set him straight and haven't seen him around since
  7. to be honest, i have three i use constantly, and i wouldn't trade any of them for any other vise, not even a law, never had a problem with any of mine and i've run alot of hooks thru them all. one of the most comfortable vises i've ever used. people have tried to sell me on their expensive vises, ain't gonna happen ever danvise rules on my tying desk
  8. Bud Guidry


    will has a beautiful professionally framed set of purple emperors up for auction , all flies tied by members of the CFT. wanted to post here incase some of you want to buy a ticket for a chance at this set, worth hundreds of dollars. will has included a PDF file to print to get your tickets heres a link to the file and pic of the framed set for those interested. each flies has a slip with tiers authentic autograph http://www.classicflytying.com/index.php?showtopic=41526 thanks, Bud
  9. hope you kept my extras also. ozzy, might get lucky and get some of those beautiful scuds on the next scud swap. they sure do look nice, sorry you had to drop out Bud
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