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About Fisherboy0301

  • Rank
    17 going on 40
  • Birthday 03/01/2000

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  • Favorite Species
    Largemouth Bass, and Bluegill
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  • Location
    East Central Georgia, Jenkins County.

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  1. Long time no see for many of y’all. My latest obsession has been sight casting flies to redfish. A bit in the Atlantic marshes of coastal Georgia when I lived there but I recently relocated to the Big Bend of the Fl gulf coast and have found it to be the redfish anglers paradise.
  2. Hefty stealth bomber on a size 1 B10S for a clear, vegetation filled river. Double 30lb mono loop guards should hopefully make this pretty bulletproof in the eel grass.
  3. Happy hear to hear the smoke free train keeps on rolling, brother. My mom quit about 4 years ago now. I quit myself a couple years ago, in favor of smokeless products. Not safe, but I can breathe and have my lung capacity back.
  4. If there is a better feeling than sending a good buddy off to a far away place with a box full of your creations, and receiving photos like this in return, I’ve not felt it yet. I’m absolutely ecstatic, one of my best friends just landed his first Giant Trevally on a mash-up of fur and feathers that was in my vice just a couple weeks ago, and not a small one at that!
  5. Some Olive and Chartreuse streamers to go into the trout box!
  6. Looks good. I assume there is a good bit of weight sandwiched in there?
  7. I like it a lot. The leggy characteristic you gave it with that hackle is great.
  8. He was active on Instagram this month. Posted a couple nice flies. Looks like he visited the site in January.
  9. One of ours likes to get in the tub after you shower and clean himself with the water in the bottom. He would come running in after he heard the water stop running. Once he came darting in, cleared the tub wall, to find a nice warm bath drawn up which he was diving into head first. 😂 He is a lot more careful on his approach now.
  10. That hillmap site is cool. Will come in handy. I agree with being careful with screenshots. Some applications show coords where the cursor is constantly and some folks forget that sometimes. I like the photos though, denduke. Looks like a sweet spot you found. Nothing too revealing there either.
  11. Awesome. I do not spend much time on coastal regions, but plan to do so more. That’s a fantastic resource.
  12. http://www.flytyingforum.com/index.php?/topic/90583-chasing-new-bass-species/ This trip back in May of 2020 was the result of reading literature to find out where to find Coosa bass, and studying OnX maps to access streams they inhabit that cross public ground. A state owned WMA gave us a safe place to park and make a 1.5 mile hike to a pristine little creek full of beautiful fish.
  13. I have less experience with this one, but an app called Fishbrain allows users to upload catches and hosts a vast library of recorded species all over the country. It can be relatively easy to check and see what species are being caught in what waters and plan accordingly. Some people have relied on un-obscured fish observations through the program “inaturalist” for this purpose as well.
  14. There are several mapping applications available that can make finding new fishing spots a breeze. OnX maps, Huntstand, Basemaps to name a few. People have been using google earth satellite images to find fishing locations for years but these apps show satellite, topographic, and hybrid layers with public/private land boundaries and owner information that may help with contacting for permission. Just wanted to put that out there if it means making fishing more accessible to anyone reading. Get out and explore some wild places!
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