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Fly Tying

January Flies from The Vise

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Hook:  Martinek's size 6  8X long streamer

Body:  Black floss with flat silver tinsel ribbing

Throat:  Sparse white bucktail as long as the wing

Wing:  First layer--  A few strands of peacock herl

           Second layer--  Sparse dyed blue bucktail

           Third layer--  Sparse dyed red bucktail

           Fourth layer-- Sparse dyed yellow bucktail

           Topped with four blue dun / dun saddle hackles

Shoulder:  Silver pheasant with jungle cock

In 1960, George and Helen Babb of Alton Bay shop asked the late Jim Warner to tie a Gray Ghost and to add the three primary colors to it. The fly evolved and was a great success, especially when the bucktail became all mixed up. I can add that it's not that easy to tie in smaller sizes and the bucktail looks like its mixed, even though it is layered and centered when I tied it in. 


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3 hours ago, niveker said:


Thank you!  I have several that are in various stages of completion where I just stopped, since I didn't like the way it was coming out. Everyone here has been submitting really nice looking ties lately and quite a few streamer patterns to boot.



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Atlantic Salmon

Peter Dunne

Hook - Single Salmon
Thread - Red
Tag - Copper wire
Tail - Fluorescent red marabou
Butt - Black ostrich herl
Ribbing - Copper wire
Body - Fluorescent yellow chenille
Wing - Gray squirrel tail
Throat - Eurasian jay or dyed blue guinea fowl
Collar - Black hen
UV Resin coated head

Modern Atlantic Salmon Flies - Paul C Marriner

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Atlantic Salmon

Daryl Peter Burry

Hook - Single salmon
Thread - Black
Tag - Oval silver tinsel, orange seal merging into red seal or substitute
Ribbing - Oval silver tinsel
Body - Black seal fur or substitute
Wing - Grey squirrel tail
Collar - Hot orange hackle

*I substituted Ice dubbing for seal's fur

Fly Patterns of Canada - Paul C Marriner

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5 hours ago, flytire said:


Atlantic Salmon

Daryl Peter Burry

Hook - Single salmon
Thread - Black
Tag - Oval silver tinsel, orange seal merging into red seal or substitute
Ribbing - Oval silver tinsel
Body - Black seal fur or substitute
Wing - Grey squirrel tail
Collar - Hot orange hackle

*I substituted Ice dubbing for seal's fur

Fly Patterns of Canada - Paul C Marriner

I really like all of your hair wing salmon flies Norm. For me, they have a certain je na sais quoi.

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Gagne Special

Atlantic Salmon

Hook - Single Salmon
Thread - Black
Tag - Oval gold tinsel
Tail - Red goose quill fibers
Ribbing - Oval gold tinsel followed by black floss
Body - Yellow floss
Wing - Mix of white and light brown bucktail
Cheeks - Jungle cock
Collar - Brown hen hackle

Modern Atlantic Salmon Flies - Paul C Marriner

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