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Fly Tying

Quills-R-Us Swap Flies are in the return mail

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This swap is for flies with quills as a part of the pattern.  They can be any type of quill: Hackle, Peacock, Peccary, Porcupine, etc.  Synthetic quills are also acceptable. Tie any style of fly, any size, any species.  First 12 with “I’M IN”. Due Date June 2, 2023.  Standard rules apply: Toe Tags, SASE with Postage, Cash or PayPal.

1. Psychoprince - Received

2. cphubert - Received

3. Woodenlegs - Received

4. Flytire - Received

5. Stellahound01 - Received

6. Vicrider - Received

7. Troutguy - Received

8. Stabgnid - Dropped

9. DarrellP - Received

10. Cencalfly - Dropped

11. Flytire (2) -Received

12. cphubert (2) - Received

SM. Fishing Bob - Done

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I’m in. I was thinking of moose, mink and mallard since the letter P has already been used.  Biots are ok? I may go with Woodcock, Turkey & Fox. Now if I can only think of a catchy name for that wetfly. 

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