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Fly Tying


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About Noahguide

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    Myrtle Beach

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  1. Flytire, Always a thing of beauty and inspriring
  2. Cut it off, tie a small perfection loop, dress tightly, loop in your tippet, and go fishing
  3. Wire Guided- Welcome to the site. I am in North Myrle Beach. Drop me a PM and I will try to turn you on to the local Fly scene. We had an active club but it has been dormant since the 2020 shut down. There is Sunday Tying at BPS at 17 and 22.
  4. And to help you on you selection https://www.ncwildlife.org/Portals/0/Fishing/documents/Delayed-Harvest-Trout-Waters-Stocking-Dates-Map.pdf
  5. Your referenced River shows up as way west of Asheville so I can't comment on it. But you have a lot of great options in the Asheville area from the Pigeon near Canton. I fish the west fork south of Lake Logan which is Stocked and delayed Harvest at that time of year to other options including the French Broad. There are numerous fly shops and good guides in the area. Short answer is bring your rod. The embed is one of the maintained pullouts along the Pigeon that provides easier river access. https://www.google.com/maps/@35.3824977,-82.9401911,3a,75y,93.56h,91.8t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sVXl0PDLajRchY9zjNBMYuw!2e0!7i13312!8i6656
  6. Good to know that fishing and Moose Hunting are acceptable alternatives to surgery, I'll keep that one in my back pocket. Glad you are well
  7. Great Kit. It is how I started.
  8. Check fshng84 post in this thread from Aug 2. (and before)
  9. Mark, Glad you are still with us.
  10. Very cool technique, thanks for sharing
  11. Wife sent me a picture of return package she pulled from the PO box today. Looking forward to ripping it open when I get back off of travel!
  12. Like all insurance you don't need it, until you do. Then that $3 was worth it
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