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Fly Tying


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Everything posted by RickZieger

  1. Klinkhammer hook. bead head, PT barbs tai, mylar rib, purple floss abdomen, black rubber rings cut in half for legs,, purple angelina fiber thorax.
  2. Same fly tied two ways. Klinkhammer hook. bead head, yellow feather barbs tail, mylar body, Right fly turned the hook 180 degrees and tied legs in over a thin sheen of dubbing, then dubbed rest of thorax and did wing case. Left fly tied in the legs over thin sheen of dubbing, then dubbed thorax, rotated vise 180 degrees and tied in wingcase. Which do you like better?
  3. size 14 hooks, bead chain eyes, mylar rib, pheasant tail barbs tail, squirrel dubbing
  4. size 10 hook, white ostrich tail, white yarn body with black biot wings.
  5. Klinkhammer hook, bead head, orange feather barb tail, silver mylar body. red dubbing, black legs
  6. size 10 hook, bead chain eyes and hot chartreuse dubbing.
  7. minnows, size 10 hook, tail tip of a turkey body feather, under body is brown thread mike material,, silver is holographic tinsel fiber and white is artic snow, glued on eyes.
  8. pattern flytire put on. yelled bluegill to me. size 14 hook, red beads( I did not have iridescent) and peacock(4 colors)
  9. size 10 hook, glass bead head, black biots tail. ostrich her body and purple mylar back.
  10. scud hook, bead head, purple floss white biot wing and ostrich herl head.
  11. size 10 hook glass bead head, white biots tail, purple floss body, pink dubbing thorax, soft hackle feather.
  12. Woven experiment size 10 aberdeen hook, bead chain eyes, biot tail, woven with embroidery floss and rib is ostrich
  13. size 10hook, bead head, green feather barbs tail,, white alpaca roving in a dubbing loop body. colored with olive Panteen Pen
  14. I think he got off way to easy. Rick
  15. size 10 hook, bead head, white biots tail, purple mylar body, pink dubbing thorax, emu hackle.
  16. Prince Nymph variation with ostrich herl body. tail biots, silver wire rib, ostrich herl body, biot wings and bead head.
  17. Tried some caddis on size 16 hooks, need more practice to keep the deer hair aligned.
  18. size 10 hook, bead head, purple feather fibers for tail, ostrich herl but, purple floss body, silver mylar rib, white biot wings, black dubbing head.
  19. size10 hook, bead head, yellow feather fibers tail, ostrich herl butt, gold mylar rib, brown dubbing body,, long fibers from turkey wing win, duck feather single wing on top, orang dubbing hot spot.
  20. That is some nice looking water. Rick
  21. 2 best crappie from yesteray.
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