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Fly Tying

Steve P

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Everything posted by Steve P

  1. I will just say what everyone else has said that I might change the pincer material and personally i like quail feathers for my pincers on craws that or a bit of dark elk hair. Nice tie though and keep em' coming. Steve
  2. Ok I've told this story before but I'll tell it again just so you don't feel weird but I tied some of the best little blond colored emergers with my son Kenny's first hair cut on accident. I came home and on the table was the best looking bag of cream colored and fine fur I had ever seen in my life but I had just ordered some from a company and was expecting it any day and it was in a small bag like dubbing would be in so I sat down and started tying and just as I was finishing and thinking man I wish I had ordered some more of this stuff my wife yelled from the kitchen "where did the bag with Kenny's first hair cut in it go". I just grabbed my hat and ran as fast as I could for the local watering hole to tell my buddies what I had done and yes I got a butt chewing like nothing else when I got home but man just a couple weeks ago those flies caught a couple really nice trout and I even put a couple pictures in my boys baby book that said caught on the Kenny emerger. So dog hair is completely acceptable and so is anything else you think would work or think is something you already bought just try and come up with something that sounds a bit more believable than... "I really thought it was the dubbing I ordered" or you'll be sleeping on the couch. Steve
  3. I really like mnortons idea of a member of the year but i would more like to see it as a moderator of the year and only nonmoderators can nominate and vote on who might get it. You guys do so much behind the scenes and don't really get anything from it and you deserve a little something even if it is just a cheesy plaque or a box of flies with a little inscription that says "Moderator of the Year 2007" or something to that effect just a way for all of us to say thanks and good on ya for a job well done or whatever maybe even one for each site even. What do the rest of you nonmoderators think? Steve
  4. Just a bit of an entomology lesson for the day that is a red spotted purple butterfly (common name) Limenitis Arthemis (scientific name) and yes it is very beautiful we have them every where here in MO and I love them when they flock to the bird bath. Steve
  5. Steve P


    We use a fly rod on the Nodaway River arouond here but we cheat by spraying our #10 olive bugger with an attractant because the water is so dirty. I ahve also hit a couple other smaller rivers and last spring just before the flows went way up we hit the mighty MO once but with only minimal luck.
  6. Steve P

    fish stories

    Ok I have two, one fishing and, one hunting, one with my three year old boy, the other with my like minded wife. First the fishing. Last spring I took my son out in the canoe and I set us up on my favorite point for big gills and got him rigged up with bobber and worm, now mind you at this time he is a very young three just turned a couple months ago so every fish was the biggest fish ever seen by man and he was reeling them in at a good pace as was I on a green foam popper and my three weight. He all of a sudden cast way the hell over into a spot I had been casting to that I thought was beyond his ability and not wanting to rain on his parade but I had nearly fished that spot out I had cast there probably fifteen times and not even a swirl but I told him to watch his bobber. After just a second or two it started to bounce and I told him to set the hook and he got the thing with a motion that can only come from instinct, then proceeded on what he proclaimed to be the fight of a life time. I thought he was just being a kid and just coached him through like no big deal till this big ole gill made a swirl next to me in the boat and I nearly had to change my pants I grabbed my C&R ne and in one swoop I grabbed this massive fish and got him in the boat. When all was said and done we had the biggest bluegill I had ever seen at thirteen inches caught by the rookie of the year (might I add this qualifies for a master angler award in the state of MO, and I still haven't reached the master angler award for bluegill yet). The second was my wifes first turkey hunt. We were late getting up and running out the door to make it to the woods before the sun came up and I decided to make a change in the plan to hunt a spot closer to the house so we could get there before the birds flew down. Upon arrival I realized I picked the wrong ridge and should have gone with my gut but thought about it too much as usual and the birds flew down at closest three hundred yards away through thick timber, but we stuck it out and stayed put. Just as I was aboout to give up and move I heard something coming up the hill. Mushroom hunters? Other turkey hunters? Herd of rabid squirrels? Maybe turkeys? When suddenly I hear this whisper to my right say..... which one do I shoot???... I whisperd back the biggest one with a beard. Then I saw them... ONE... TWO... THREE... jakes staring us down at eight maybe ten yards and they had us made for sure so I said shoot now or they are going to be gone. Finally she fired after what seemed an eternity and ONE...TWO...TREE?..!!! jakes in the air I made a quick move and dropped one out of the air and yelled COME ON LETS GO GET THAT BIRD. Then proceeded down the hill after him. When my wife caught up I ask her how she could miss a bird so close, maybe I should have just had her hit it with the end of the gun barrel instead of shooting it. She proceeded to tell me her bird was dead at the top of the hill and she wanted to see it and didn't know why after all the turkeys I killed I had to retrieve my bird first. WHAT you missed all three of those birds I said. Yes she said but I shot the FOURTH one!!! BULLSHIT there were only three. No there were FOUR. Well I have to see this phantom turkey for myself. So I walked up the hill to prove her wrong and there lay the bird she had said would be there. It was no huge bird onlyabout thirteen pounds (mine was 3/4 a pound heavier) spirs were only half an inch (mine were a quarter longer) but it was a triple bearded turkey. Her first bird and it has three beards nice going Megs. Oh and by the way cause I know you will read this, I know you had the bird planted by some one I just haven't figured out how yet... one more bit of info in all the turkey I have shot I have yet to kill a multiple bearded bird.... Such is the life of a Dad, a Husband and a Friend, I would always rahter see them get the big fish the moster buck or the turkey of a life time..... Steve
  7. Have my flies not arived yet? I sent them on the Feb. ninth and they went out priorty so they were guaranteed in two days. Just asking cause I noticed you had me as "IN THE MAIL" and they should have been there a few days ago. Steve
  8. Hey BB you gonna post some pics of my pig boat. I am sorry that I forgot to mention that they don't call them a PIG BOAT for nothing she is a bass slayer though. Again I'm sorry bout that big ole fly part but if it does turn out to be an issue you can put a piece of sponge on the hook point and send them that way I used to do that and never had a problem. I forgot to ask. Does that thing have enough rubber legs for you? Steve
  9. I got five bucks and a butt load of extra flies so you can have both far as I'm concerned, this place has been the best and it would be the least I could do. Steve
  10. No big just had to razz you alittle on that you know. I love the mulberry and my personal go to is a clouser tied on a 3xl #12 out of red fox tail just an absolute killer on Smithville Lake in the early summer. So as you said the list of workable carp flies is what I would venture to say one of the longest. I have even seen an old man who fishes near the camp grounds at Smithville use foam fly that looks like a half eaten marshmallow so use your imagination and don't be afraid to think outside the box. And just for the record I think Stony is nucking futs, but we sure wouldn't know what to do without paople like him. Steve
  11. Man after I got in a few more swaps I was going to try and be a swapmister, and this was going to be my first swap :ripped: but I am stoked so... I'M IN, I'm coming at you with a soft hackle head stand. God I love swaps. Steve
  12. I sent them priority and they are guaranteed in 2 days so let me know if you don't get them by Monday I'll go give em hell but otherwise they should be there very soon. Steve
  13. ok just fo rthe record pickin I offically don't like you any more you and your 89 degrees :ripped: . Just kidding man but I really do not like the cold :crying: . Any who the reason for this post was to see if any one will be posting picks of the flies on here or not. Steve
  14. Bream buster I just landed in KC about two hours ago and I will be mailing the flies ouot in the morning on my way to work i will send them priority and they should be guaranteed in two or three days I can't remember which but you should see them on Monday or Tuesday in the mail. Steve
  15. I usually like a good cup o' tea for tying I am especially fond of oolong teas but if I'm drinking it's scotch and milk for me :smoke: (easy on the milk and I mean really easy) or if I'm in beer mood I would have to agree with Tree Snagger I reach for the PBR, all my friends turn green at the site of the stuff :sick: but I love it, it was the first beer I had and was what my grandpa drank (hence it was the one I could sneak out of the fridge and take back behind the barn to drink) and it's just makes me feel nastalgic for some moronic reason :dunno: Steve :cheers:
  16. Or if you know a taxidermist or want to get to know one I would suggest asking him what he uses if he does any bleaching, I helped my buddy who is a taxidermist bleach out an entire doe hide last year to make a false pie bald full body mount to go to the national competition and it turned out stark white like nothing I've seen before but as everyone else has said use extreme caution in doing so the stuff we used was extremly caustic and we wore respirator masks and thick rubber gloves while bleaching the hide. But it gave us some remarable results. Most every taxidermistI know or have known is the kind of guy who will trade barter or help out anyone if they ask nicely so you might give that a try and see if they could hook you up with a butter bowl size container of powder and let you copy the instructions. Just my .02 worth on the subject. Steve
  17. It is nice but, if I was going to spend $800 I'd get a LAW. If I was going to spend $800 I'd get shot by the wife for sure she just found out what I spent on my new 2wt blank and I had to send the dog in the house for a couple days.
  18. I see you have met Glen, I most ssay he is a near and dear friend of mine we have seen some not so sober times together but all in all he's a good guy I think. :drunk: I must admit no matter how hard it is I too have had those days and they always turn out just as you said "go upstairs for a beer". My thoughts are with you and Mr. Livet. CHEERS :cheers: Steve
  19. I think i just peed down my leg that thing scared the crap out of me when I scrolled down to it. If I saw that thing on my bench I would scream like a seven year old girl and then proceed to destroy everything within striking distance trying to smash it. Me no likey icky bugs. :crying: Really awesome tie, you have skills my friend :bugeyes: Steve.
  20. I am the worst about procrastinating and getting distracted I will get thes in the mail on Monday along with several others that i have to send out hope you like these they are a real bass catcher when they get downin the weeds these things weigh a ton and cast like a rock but work like a charm so enjoy and I look forward to seeing all of yours soon. Steve
  21. I have a couple of swaps to hit the mail on Monday and will do so with haste and I look forward to seeing everones creations. :headbang: :headbang: Steve
  22. Mega and I will be sending ours out on Monday. we have had these tied for a bit but it seems everytime I headed to the post office I got distracted and forgot but they will make it on time no prob. hope you guys like em I think Megs did an oustanding job with her mated double bunnies and you should like my minnows they area bit small but the bass around here are not all that big and i usually just happen to catch them while looking for the crappie. Sorry for the procrastination on my part and we can't wait to see all your flies. Steve :yahoo: :yahoo: :yahoo:
  23. Steve P

    Bird Soup?

    In my experience it has been said that Yes they are gassed but with an air flush chamber and co2 so it is not toxic to humans or animals as many slaughter houses use this system (I work in one I should know) and most but not all the carcasses are sent to be made in pet foods or bone meals and the sort but not all as said before I would also do some hard research but have talked around and found this to be a norm for an answer. Just what I know on the subject and I know a good bit about comercially killin' critters. Steve
  24. I vote for Stony to get swapmeister of the year :hyst: no really I think this is so cool my first swap flies comming home soon you guys and this site ROCK :headbang: :headbang: :headbang: Steve
  25. 10-4 I cool copasetic it just got down below freezing for more than a few hours here been cold and nasty for bout' a week now. :sick: I hate this freaking weather but I do wanna go ice fishing
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