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Fly Tying


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Everything posted by Sandan

  1. That sure can. So far my .270 shooting 150 gr. Nosler partitions have done the job for me. I'm thinking about a .300 PRC or going back to an '06
  2. Very cool. I was wondering because wolverine is surely not a common material.
  3. Sandan

    Sad news indeed

    Just saw this. What a sad day for sure.
  4. Nice bugs DFoster. Wolverine you say?
  5. My pleasure. https://charliesflybox.com/products/bleached-dyed-peacock-eyes?variant=40538697203850
  6. Poopdeck, that is a beauty. I usually buy the dyed peacock herls on the stem and use my thumb nail to strip 'em.
  7. Aquel does it for me, except for CDC. Loon Locsha does the CDC thing. I was lucky and picked up a 4oz. guide size at my local shop for 15 bucks.
  8. Had to add, I was glad I picked up the CDC loop wing emerger challenge. I tied a few of 'em and they proved to be absolutely killer on Sunday.
  9. No problem, sir. To be more specific regarding the next challenge, let's see a catskill style quill body mahogany dun. A blue quill would be OK too.
  10. CDC loop wing emerger. Hook: U202 size 20 Thread: UTC 70 gray brown Tails/Legs: Hun fibers Abdomen: muskrat gray dyed and stripped peacock herl Wing: CDC of course. Trouthunter lt. Dun. Thorax: Semperfli BWO kapok dubbing. Next up: A Catskill style quill body dry fly. Tiers choice.
  11. I'll take the cdc loop wing emerger
  12. Just like Rick Takahashi. It's a great low cost multi-lifetime supply!
  13. Such nice ties everyone. Here's a size 20 parachute BWO for this weekend's outing Hook: TMC 100 Thread: 12/0 semperfli olive Post: dark dun Z-lon Tail: dark dun micro fibbets Abdomen: BWO dyed and stripped peacock herl Hackle: whiting saddle, gray grizzly variant Abdomen: adams gray superfine
  14. Hats off to a great ice season and many more!
  15. Here's my 2 cents. Your progress is very good, keep on working it'll only get better. Try to make your dubbing noodle tighter, It'll make the definition between the front and back sections of the ant more distinct. That brings up the question of how. I mostly do it this way. I moisten my fingertips and get 'em mostly dry, so there's friction between my thumb tip and index finger tip, twist in only one direction and only from the top of the noodle to the bottom. Some folks use dubbing wax. https://www.flyfisherman.com/editorial/fly-tying-dubbing/459202
  16. Those are what I have also. https://www.amazon.com/Knives-Jewelry-Burnisher-Polisher-Polishing/dp/B09Q353R8J/ref=asc_df_B09Q353R8J/?tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=598244533119&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=1786763487123699691&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=c&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9052071&hvtargid=pla-1660873018747&psc=1&mcid=40c3af5241933fc3b4d8e4c64923470d&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIkr7FrPv9hAMVcy7UAR27AgpPEAQYASABEgI2nfD_BwE 11 bucks
  17. My pleasure. BTW, that bone dry is good stuff.
  18. DK Pro user here. I grease the collet threads lightly and the shaft of the jaws.. I don't think that does anything but what the hey. Lithium grease for me. a little dab'l do ya.
  19. I've found Solarez bone dry to take about 10 seconds to dry hard.
  20. I hear you. In that vein it's the mastery of technique(s)% rather than using an exact recipe list, cause they all work at one time or another.
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