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So sick of inconsiderate people

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Okay gotta blow off some steam here. This is not about anyone here, it's just blowing off some steam about someone from FB that was supposed to buy something. Long story short...I listed something for sale 15 days ago, right away a guy that I don't know personally, but is a friend of a friend/know through FB said he wanted it. So I sent him a message asking when he wanted to pick up. He replied back he would get back to me very shortly. 10 days later no word from him, so I get back a hold of him telling him I did not plan to hold this for 2 weeks and he needed to come pick it up if he wanted it, or at least send a paypal and then pick up when he had time. He said he would come pick up yesterday after work. Well guess what, no show, no call, no nothing.

Worked out better for me to be honest because I ended up putting the item on CL this morning, the first guy showed up, and got $40 more than the other guy was gonna give me. But still....what the hell is wrong with people these days??!! They act like no one else's time is worth anything. They have no issue with being totally inconsiderate, the least you can do is call someone if you are not gonna show up so they aren't left wondering what is going on. The sense of entitlement and the idea everyone has to work around you even when you are the buyer is just ridiculous.  Can't wait till this guy gets a hold of me down the road and says he wants to come again to get this and I tell him "sorry you had every chance to get it and you ended up standing me up, it is now gone!".

Rant over....


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2 cases of cheap beer on him for you, will taste good after welding up more of your truck, going to be a hot week, perfect and well deserved for your good intentions.


when its this hot, its coors light for me.

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I'm building a project car and dealing with people who are parting out vehicles but won't return messages.

I need fab work on the same car and two companies have told me they can get me in in "two weeks" every time I've called for the last year.

I need a fence at the house and have had one person come out but never sent an estimate, and three companies state they were coming out but no showed, and a few more just not even respond. 

I need electrical work in the garage and same story as the fence.

I guess the economy is great, nobody needs money these days!

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ive posted on home advisor, angies list, thumbtack, mr handyman etc for work around my house and nobody wants to do anything

i guess @dogfacedoc is right "I guess the economy is great, nobody needs money these days!"


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Crazy stuff there dogfacedoc. I just don't understand why a place would more or less turn down work by not evening giving an estimate. Just nuts. I honestly have stopped trying to make sense of people out there in the world these days 🥴

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Unemployment and stimulus money have some people making more that they would at a job. Heard of a guy who was asked to come back to work. He told the company to stuff it. Crossed him off the list. This company can't give away jobs. Offering a $500 bonus for a reference who will stay at least 30 days; even hiring relatives now.

SD, I had a customer who wanted a certain light fixture. I stuck a piece of paper on the box for a  hold. Called to remind her of the hold. After a month, I took the paper off the box.

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I have people not show up EVERY day. I'm an employment recruiter. I scratch my head every day when people dont show up for work or an interview. I think people are just getting complacent with the handouts they are getting from the goobermint. No need to work when other peoples money supports you.

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Getting complacent? It's been like like that from the very beginning of the nanny state. If I hear one more person talking about another stimulus check Im Going to puke. I did not get a single check. Someone who makes way more than I do decided I make to much to get one. So they take from me and give to others who won't go back to work because of it. Geez, I'm starting to hate people. I hate hating people. 

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Modern man ... no consideration for anyone else.  Entitled all their lives and it's every one else's job to cater to them.

Just another reason Wife and I are always saying, "We hate people."  "Yes, we do."

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I'm really just shocked that people can be that way to be honest. If I tell someone I am going to come on a certain day/time, then I make sure I show up. Hell if I'm gonna even be 10 minutes late I call that person to let them know. Just how I was raised for one thing, but also should be just plain common courtesy. I dunno man, that day that I move to a cabin back in the woods alone is coming faster all the time.

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My Son was selling an object. Per son called and said they wanted it. When the came they handed him half of what the agreed price was.

He handed the money back and walked away.



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11 hours ago, Steeldrifter said:

 If I tell someone I am going to come on a certain day/time, then I make sure I show up. Hell if I'm gonna even be 10 minutes late I call that person to let them know. Just how I was raised for one thing, but also should be just plain common courtesy.

That's the way I was raised too.  I was hear a lot of "words" these days, in popular culture, that I seldom heard growing up.  Could be people are under "more stress" these days than they were years ago, due to financial concerns.  But I'm sure the answer is not nearly as simple as that. I have more thoughts, but this does not seem like the time or place. Someone could write a book, and probably still not provide a complete explanation.  One idea occurs to me now.. it's easier to exist more "anonymously" in modern society, and somehow you "owe strangers less courtesy".  That's not the way I think, it's just a thought.  In my experience, the more densely people live together (like in a big city), the less respectful they seem to be to one another--it could be all in my mind, but I think I can feel it.

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1 hour ago, Bill_729 said:

One idea occurs to me now.. it's easier to exist more "anonymously" in modern society, and somehow you "owe strangers less courtesy".  That's not the way I think, it's just a thought.

I think that is for sure a good percentage as to the reason why. Back when I was younger and sold something (pre internet days of the 1980's) I would write out a for sale ad and pin it on the cork board in the breezeway at the local store. So people would actually  tear off the paper with your phone # and call you. I think that personal interaction of actually calling and speaking to a person, person to person made for more accountability. Now a days with the internet people just take 10 seconds to type out a personal message to someone and hit send, so the personal interaction/accountability just isn't the same.

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