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Fly Tying


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About Shmang

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    Advanced Member
  • Birthday 01/06/1967

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    Cinti OH

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  1. Sad to learn of this -- they treated me well on many occasions.
  2. Thanks to all for the input! I indeed tied up a variety pack and will report back == hopefully with BIG results.
  3. Planning for a post-Christmas trip and am going to spend part of the trip at a Trophy Trout water that has a single hook requirement. It is NOT private water. Thinking that a large articulated streamer might move some of the bigguns but with the single hook element was wondering if you would want the hook at the back of the pattern or at the front section? I have some articulated shanks that would allow me to have the hook at either spot. On one hand at the front makes sense as they will tend to attack the head as part of their prefatory response. The back might grab any short strikers. Any thoughts?
  4. Sorry to hear this. A great one for sure.
  5. Looking good Mark! Well done. Keep at it.
  6. Great vendor and super products - highly recommended. Got my Kapok dubbing from them -- another super nice item.
  7. Mine should be to you tomorrow. Thanks
  8. I would like to join this one - I'm in. Thx
  9. Got two rods today from Steve at Midwest Custom and I was blown away how fantastic they look. If you are in the market for something high quality give him a ring. I will see if I can get some photos up after work -- but it may be tomorrow as I want to get out this evening and give them a whirl. Got a six foot spinning rod for crappie chasing and it is perfect. Then my new 3 weight just is stunning in a dark look which is exactly what I wanted. Thanks Steeldrifter for two great sticks to help my catching!! Shmang
  10. Ditto to the above as these swap flies are outstanding! Each one rocks -- hardest part will be which one to tie on first. Nice job by all. -Shmang
  11. Details please - it looks great.
  12. Niveker: I did apply the flies with Water Shed after completing the pattern -- let them "dry" for a few days- then on the stream I added Fly Tyers Dungeon floatant. That mix made for a nice up top riding pattern. And yes it reminds me of silk dubbing that way to it goes on the thread. Wwkimba - thanks for the Rockhopper suggestion - looks like a good one. Take care
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