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Fly Tying


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Everything posted by FIN-ITE 34

  1. This interactive map has helped me locate PA trout waters. https://pfbc.maps.arcgis.com/apps/webappviewer/index.html?id=65a89f6592234019bdc5f095eaf5c6ac
  2. My guess is that it's the solvent based version of liquidFusion.
  3. Much better job on the body proportions.
  4. My comment would be to make your body thinner with a taper from back to front.
  5. Looks like a bad piece. A lot of broken and damaged tips and it appears to be dry and brittle. Probably damaged when it was bleached. This is how it should look.
  6. Look for the "on/off" type base, as they generate a far greater amount of holding power. The cheap bases are sort of "tippy" but the other type I mentioned will hold far better.
  7. With flexible, tie too tight and you loose your ID. Tie too loose and your thread wraps come undone. That's why you need a rigid tube, so your thread wraps can be tied as tightly as you would on a hook.
  8. It's true about having to zap it multiple times, as I have had to do so. CAUTION: when zapping, remove the brush and allow the resin to cool a bit before replacing. The brush "ferrule" will melt and blow out the bristles which will render the brush useless.
  9. Description Badger Creek Real Seal Fur Dubbing Fur Assortment is real seals fur dubbing natural and dyed packed into a box. 12 great colors ideal for salmon flies, wet flies and steelhead flies. A must have for salmon fly tyers. This is antique stock and when sold out we likely won’t be able to replace it. Please note: colors may vary from colors shown.
  10. I don't see the 16/20 (Pitzen/Eugene) knot listed. Maybe goes by yet another name in the chart? That said, I use the Double Davy most of the time, with the 16/20 on occasion with tippet 4x thru 7x, landed many +20" brown trout and have no significant break-off problems. I think that the rod has a tremendous influence on broken off fish when the tip does not flex to meet the weight of the tippet. For tight line nymphing I have been fishing a T&T Contact II for a number of years now and find it far superior to a half dozen other rods I have fished with its ultra flexible tip and strong backbone.
  11. What Poopdeck said. Come on really, how many tippet rings do you really go through in the course of a season? Buy the good rounded off ones like Partridge .
  12. Be patient, a WAWA will be coming to your locale at some point in the future.
  13. https://www.lurepartsonline.com/Lure-Making/Shop-By-Product-Category/Bodies-Beads-Rig-Floats/Beads/Plastic-Beads?page=1
  14. You need a hook to practice on, so I would say use the hooks you have and as you progress in tying, start buying better hooks. And don't worry about losing a +20" fish because of a bent or broken hook as it happens with quality hooks as well, just not as often.
  15. Common procedure as used on the Holy Grail to bump out the collar. https://youtu.be/ctlez5CUFKw
  16. You are absolutely correct about the ring profile. I too have had brands of rings that have a more square than round edge and no matter the knot, it failed when using any tippet size of 5x or smaller. With a good ring I use a simple clinch and have no problems. One to stay away from is HENDS. Two that are round, PARTRIDGE & CORTLAND.
  17. You getting ready for a Red Dawn or something? #Wolverines
  18. Yes, you are missing out on what should be made illegal it works so well. All you need is a ten foot 3 weight Euro nymph rod and a Euro nymph level line. You can go big on the rod or start with a lesser expensive model for 250-350 ( or have Steve make you one). The soft tip and heavy backbone of these rods are key when Euro nymphing. I can beat up 20"+ browns all day with a 10 ft 3 wt. The line will set you back 50 quid no matter whose you buy. A spool of bi or tri color indicator tippet is probably the only other thing you don't already have on hand to make up a Euro mono leader. Watch all the Tactical Fly Fisher videos and then go out and put into practice what you watch. Depending on how often you can get out, you should see marked improvement after a dozen times out. Begin tying Euro style nymphs and streamers (jig style) and use these, as they will work far, far better when using the Euro tight line technique.
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